• Being an active, positive self-manager of your chronic health condition can help you lead a full and happy life. Learn more about self-management.

  • Don't forget your feet! Foot care is an important part of diabetes management.

  • Find out why many people with diabetes must deal with skin complications.

  • Understand the reasons why people with diabetes are at increased risk of eye damage, low vision, vision loss, and blindness.

  • Diabetes affects people from various ethnic backgrounds differently. Experts believe that Aboriginal people have a much higher risk of diabetes (3 to 5 times higher) compared to other Canadians.

  • Diabetes affects people from various ethnic backgrounds differently. Experts believe that African or Caribbean people have a higher risk for diabetes compared to other Canadians.

  • Diabetes affects people from various ethnic backgrounds differently. Experts believe that people of East Asian (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese) descent have a higher risk for diabetes compared to other Canadians. As such, East Asians should take extra care to lead healthy lives.

  • Diabetes affects people from various ethnic backgrounds differently. Experts believe that Hispanics have a higher risk for diabetes compared to other Canadians.

  • Diabetes affects people from various ethnic backgrounds differently. Experts believe that people of South Asian (e.g., Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Bangladeshi) descent have a 2 to 5 times higher risk of diabetes compared to other Canadians.

  • Did you know that taking care of your diabetes also includes knowing when to call your physician or primary health care provider or seek medical help?

  • All people starting insulin should sit down with their diabetes educator or doctor to learn the proper injection technique. These experts can teach you, watch you, and help you master insulin injections.

  • People with diabetes need to take special care during times of illness. When you are sick, it is very important to keep a watchful eye on your blood glucose levels, as they may be very unpredictable.

  • Life with diabetes poses many challenges on a day-to-day basis. How does one stay positive?

  • For many people, stress is only temporary, such as when they have to give a presentation or finish a report to meet a deadline. In other people, the stress does not leave and it can have a major impact on their health. Stress can be especially troubling for people with diabetes.

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