How common is MS, and who is at risk?


MS in children and teens is considered to be rare. Although about 2% to 5% of people with MS have symptoms in their youth, most are only diagnosed as adults. The National MS Society estimates there are about 8,000 to 10,000 children and teens with MS in the United States. (Statistics are not available for Canada.)

Children and teens whose family members have MS are at a higher risk of having the condition. The lifetime risk for MS for someone in the general population is about 1 in 750. For people who have a parent with MS, it's closer to 1 in 40. Before the age of 12, more boys than girls are diagnosed with MS. After age 12, the risk is higher in females. The difference may be related to hormone changes during puberty.

Children and teens are usually diagnosed with MS between ages 10 and 15. But MS can appear much earlier than this. There are records of children with MS symptoms as early as 13 months, and a diagnosis of MS at 2 years of age. It may be very difficult to tell the difference between normal developmental changes and MS symptoms in very young children. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns that your child may be at risk for MS.

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MS diagnosis and symptoms in children


MS is diagnosed the same way in children as it is in adults. In the past, MS was diagnosed by having two separate attacks in different areas of the brain. Today, a new method lets doctors use MRI (magnetic resonance imaging, a type of brain scan) to diagnose MS in people who have had only one attack (called a single demyelinating event).

It can be more difficult to diagnose MS in children and teens than in adults. This is partly because MS is less common in children and teens, so doctors may not be expecting to see it. It is also partly because children are more prone to a similar medical condition called ADEM (Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis). ADEM is much more common than MS in childhood.

ADEM causes symptoms similar to MS, including decreased strength; coordination or balance problems; altered sense of touch; or vision changes. It may happen after a child has had a viral infection or has been given a vaccine. It can be hard for doctors to tell ADEM apart from a first MS attack (single demyelinating event) in children. This can make the diagnosis more difficult.

Children and teens usually have the same MS symptoms as adults. These include fatigue, bladder problems, coordination and balance problems, and changes in cognitive function. Cognitive function refers to the ability to think, make decisions, concentrate, and remember facts. In children and teens, cognitive changes can affect schoolwork.

Although children and teens have symptoms similar to adults, the course of their medical condition may be different. Nearly all children have a type of MS called relapsing-remitting MS, like most adults. The progressive types of MS, such as primary-progressive or progressive-relapsing, are very rare in children.

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How is MS in children and teens treated?


MS treatment for children and teens is similar to MS treatment for adults. Corticosteroid medications are used to treat acute attacks. Disease-modifying medications are used to slow down the progression of the disease.

Because MS is rare in children, most of these medications have not been studied in children under 18 years, and the medication's effectiveness and safety have not been determined in children under 18 years. Although there are well-established treatment guidelines for MS in adults, there are none for children and teens. This means that doctors must use their judgment in choosing a treatment. It also means that children and their families must make an informed decision about whether they want to go ahead with treatment.

Another part of MS treatment includes assistive devices and medications to manage the symptoms of MS. Assistive devices may need to be specially sized for children.

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How can MS affect the life of a child or teen?


Children and teens with MS, and their families, face many challenges. Here are some of the issues they may face, and some tips on how to cope.

MS is rare in children and teens, so there are fewer people of the same age who can understand what they're going through. Joining a support group or a web-based social networking program can help kids and teens with MS get in touch with each other. The MS Society of Canada, together with the National MS Society, offers a program called "Young Persons with MS: A Network for Families with a Child or Teen With MS." It provides a support network for children with MS and their families.

People with MS often "look fine" even though they are experiencing MS symptoms. This, combined with the disease being rare, makes some people think that young people with MS are pretending to be sick. Educating people in the child's life, such as friends, teachers, and other caregivers, may help get rid of this misconception.

MS symptoms may make it harder for children and teens to do the same activities as other people their age. But there are ways for children and teens with MS to stay involved. Young people can tell good friends about the condition, so they will understand why they may be feeling too tired to go out or are unable do a certain activity. Young people can also use assistive devices to help keep up regular activities as much as possible. If there are certain things the child or teen has trouble doing because of MS, encourage them to find another activity that is easier but still lets them see their friends and keep up their social life.

People with MS may be more likely to have depression or anxiety. This can happen to children and teens too. MS is an unpredictable disease, which can make things worse by causing feelings of uncertainty about the future. Family and friends can help by being supportive and reassuring, and offering a sense of security. They can encourage the child or teen with MS to discover who they are and not let the condition define them.

MS treatment often involves medications given by injection. Younger children may have trouble learning how to self-inject. In this case, parents or other family members can learn how to give the injections. If the child or teen is living away from home, for instance at camp, they may have trouble self-injecting in front of their friends. Let one of the camp supervisors know about the child's condition, and encourage the child to talk to their friends about their condition so that the experience is less frightening.

On the positive side, many young people say that they have learned a lot from MS. The condition has taught them to be stronger, more compassionate, more flexible, and more mature. With help and support from their loved ones, children and teens can rise to meet the challenge of MS.

All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2024. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Source: