• After being diagnosed with a hepatitis B infection, it is very common to experience disturbing emotions. Coping with an unpredictable, chronic viral infection is a big challenge, compounded by the fact that you are a potential source of infection to others. How you react emotionally may depend to some extent on how severely you are physically affected, how you were informed of the diagnosis, and whether you feel guilty about how you contracted the virus.

  • Vaccines against hepatitis B Vaccinations for hepatitis B were discovered in the 1970s and are now very safe, sophisticated, and effective. Vaccinations are injected into an arm muscle in a 3-step process. After the first injection, the arm shot is repeated 1 month and 6 months later. This vaccine regimen works in most people, providing them with long-term protection and, for some, even life-long protection.

  • If you do not have advanced liver disease you do not need to follow a special diet for hepatitis B. Patients with very advanced liver disease may require a special low-protein diet to minimize damage to the brain, called hepatic encephalopathy. This type of diet is usually used along with other treatments under the care of a specialist.

  • As with all viral infections, the severity of symptoms can vary widely, from none to very severe symptoms. Most people with hepatitis B will have some periods in their lives when they are free of symptoms, while others may not develop symptoms for decades or even their whole lifetime. Unfortunately, other people can experience severe hepatitis B symptoms.

  • Hepatitis B virus is transmitted through blood or body fluids, in a similar way to HIV/AIDS, however, some people are highly infectious and others are not. The degree of infectiousness can be determined by a special blood test. Hepatitis B can be transmitted through all kinds of sexual contact and close contact, such as living together as a family.

  • Acute hepatitis B If you have acute hepatitis B for the first time, you are probably under a doctor's care. You need to get plenty of rest and be closely monitored with blood tests. No special treatment is required at this time. Chronic hepatitis B If you have chronic hepatitis B, your doctor will want to do several blood tests to determine the status of your infection.

  • People who may be at risk of becoming infected from you You need to inform people who may be at risk of acquiring hepatitis B from you so that they can be tested for immunity and vaccinated if necessary. This includes everyone living with you and any sexual partners. If a sexual partner requires vaccination, intimate contact should be delayed until the vaccination has "taken.

  • The doctor will use blood tests to test for several things: evidence of the hepatitis B virus and its level of activity extent of liver inflammation other causes of hepatitis - drugs, alcohol, and other diseases other complications of hepatitis the degree of immunity to the virus that your body has developed the liver's ability to function normally Tests for regular, long-term monitoring of chronic hepatitis B Ultrasound Ultrasound imaging of the liver, which uses sound waves, is safe and it produces useful pictures.

  • Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. It may be caused by viruses, drugs, alcohol, and some hereditary and immune problems. Blood products are safer than ever Due to major advances in vaccination and the development of highly accurate screening of blood products, it is now very rare for people in North America to become infected with hepatitis B virus from blood products following transfusion.

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