• It seems a simple enough thing, but you may need a reminder about why properly chewing your food is so important.

  • During the winter holidays, you may be tempted to eat too many sugary, high-calorie treats. There are healthier ways to savour the flavours of the season.

  • If you hope to lose weight or improve your nutrition, you'll need to break a few bad eating habits.

  • Moderate alcohol intake can be good for your health. But yes, it is possible to have too much!

  • Next time you feel hungry, ask yourself, Am I really hungry? Or am I craving food to satisfy my appetite?

  • Nutrition expert Brennan Robertson reveals the health benefits packed into Canadian berries.

  • When faced with the choice between butter or margarine, which one should you spread on? Is one more nutritious than the other or just less bad for you?

  • Are you worried that you have to trade in the nutrients in fresh vegetables in exchange for a more convenient cooking method? Read on to learn why this may not be the case.

  • Do you have a picky eater at home? Having a hard time getting your kids to try new foods or choose healthier options? Find out how to help your children become more adventurous eaters.

  • Does dieting work? How do fad diets work? Find out the essentials of any healthy diet and how to get started on new eating habits for weight loss and sustained weight management.

  • How many drinks can you safely have each day? And what, exactly, is "one drink"?

  • As the season changes from summer to fall, enjoy the nutritious bounty of autumn fruits and vegetables.

  • You've heard the phrase, "food for thought," but what about "food for vision?" Is there a connection between nutrition and eye health?

  • The foods you eat or don't eat can affect your sleep. Avoid dragging that drowsy feeling into another day by examining your eating habits.

  • People chew a lot of gum, but do we really know what we're chewing on? Is gum good or bad for us?

  • The importation thing to remember about whole grains is that they provide good sources of fibre, vitamins, minerals, and protein. Whole grains are low in fat and can be prepared and eaten in a variety of ways. But in our fast-paced lives, it is much easier to grab something on the go. Unfortunately, most fast food options seldom offer nutritional benefits like those found in whole grains.

  • While high protein diets have been shown to work for weight loss, protein - specifically animal protein - contains acid. When eaten in large amounts, without sufficient quantities of foods that neutralize the acid, the bones are affected.

  • Fibre is found in a lot of different foods including whole grains and cereals, and fruits and vegetables. To ensure you're getting the recommended 25 g to 30 g of fibre daily, use this table as a guide to help you make good food choices.

  • Kitchen sponges collect lots of potential pathogens that can make us sick when they're spread around our dishes and countertops. Here are some sponge safety strategies.

  • Our bodies need a certain amount of nutrients on a regular basis to be able to function. In order to supply our bodies with these nutrients we need to eat a balanced diet. Eating well helps us to achieve and maintain body compositions that enable us to do strenuous mental and physical work and remain healthy.

  • What does it mean to a consumer when foods are labelled as free-range or grass-fed?

  • Before you drown your next healthy salad in thick, creamy, fat- and calorie-laden dressing, consider these do's and don'ts for dressing a salad.

  • You may feel too rushed to bother with breakfast. Find out why your body needs breakfast - whether you want to eat it or not!

  • Learn about sweetening alternatives to white sugar.

  • Canadians eat a lot of products made from grains, including breads, rice, and pasta. You've probably heard that grains are a good source of dietary fibre. They are, but not if they've been refined - a process that strips away much of that fibre and other nutrients.

  • Are you thinking of becoming a vegetarian? You aren't alone. People become vegetarians every day, and for many different reasons. For some, it's religious reasons that dictate a vegetarian lifestyle, for others its animal rights and health reasons.

  • There are many people that use tofu as an important part of their daily diet. Not only is it an excellent source of protein, B vitamins, and iron, it also provides a lot of the calcium that the body needs to be healthy. Tofu also offers great benefits to women who are at high risk for colon and breast cancer.

  • Food labels are on nearly every food item you purchase, but do you know how to read them?

  • Adults should consume no more than 6 to 9 teaspoons of sugar each day. But how can you shake off sugar unless you know where it hides in the foods you eat?

  • Keeping a food journal and recording all of your meals, drinks, and snacks each day could help you lose weight and encourage healthier eating.

  • Most of our world's cultures have their own take on a big bowl of broth and assorted chunky or puréed ingredients. And it's little wonder - soup is so easy to make! It's comforting, and it can be so good for you too!

  • Instead of the freshman 15 pounds you've finally shed, do you now find yourself battling the office 30? Are you feeling more lethargic and unfit? Find out how to eat better and keep healthy at the workplace.

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